
Hi, I'm Dr. Beth Onufrak!

Best book for getting kids to listen

Published over 1 year ago • 1 min read


My Pick: I Love You Rituals

Hi again!

Having trouble getting your young child to listen?

You get firm, they squirm. You say "hey," they delay. You get serious, they resist even more. How do you get control?

My best advice in these situations is "Get silly, not serious."

This notion resonates through I Love You Rituals (2000) by my hero, Dr. Becky Bailey. My own copy is worn. Ageless and true, this gem's been my recommendation to hundreds of families.

Here are 3 reasons why I love this book and why it can help you.

Silly can bring results that Serious can't.

When kids get out-of-control, force can fail. With families in distress, my first therapy step is to loosen tight knots formed from epic battles.

I don't mean just giving in or letting kids get their way ---

I mean softening things in a way that relaxes the fight and resets the relationship.

Kids speak SILLY, and learning that language can help you more than any consequence.

I Love You Rituals is full of silly, soft engagers that young kids love.

Learn to speak SILLY and avoid a lot of strain.

Connection increases cooperation.

When families make positive shifts and problems fade, I notice something rise within kids.

It's an invisible energy: Kids show more willingness to obey, feeling your love and wanting to love you back.

I named it a "spirit of cooperation." And it comes from a warmer parent-child connection.

I Love You Rituals grows that spirit of cooperation. The sweet and simple activities have profound effects. Some of my favorites are Goodnight Elbow, My Face Has a Gift For You, and Row Row Row Your Boat.

Warm connections grows a Spirit of Cooperation.

Rituals answer the question: Am I Still Loved?

Now that may seem crazy to you - how could your kids doubt they're loved? You tell them every day!

But standoffs, raised voices and "angry eyebrows" make kids wonder ... and worry:

"Have they stopped loving me?"

This worry takes over and pushes things to point of no return.

I Love You Rituals are little delights that go deep.

They heal strained bonds and solidify love.

This book is on my shelf holds the secret of child therapy: that nearly every problem needs warmer attachment to resolve.

Rituals heal hurts and reassure kids of your love.

Are you finding that harsher discipline only makes things worse?

ChildSightTools® can help you step out of the vortex!

Sign up for Cool the Tantrums today.😉

See you next time!

And remember ... Looking through your child's eyes changes everything.


Dr. Beth

Headshot of Dr. Beth

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Hi, I'm Dr. Beth Onufrak!

I'm a child psychologist and parent educator. My ChildSightTools® courses help parents see through kids eyes. Sign up for my weekly Newsletter!

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